Friday 11 October 2024

on photography (book as prop)

outside a frost. inside nice and toasty due to the wonderful application of central heating. the sun shines into horsemouth's eyes from across the valley. 

today an entirely written in the morning blogpost (you lucky lucky people). 

last night bellringing followed by a solitary pint (people had things to do in the morning).

last night the aurora borealis but horsemouth was too busy with the world of humans to notice. 

the niece of one of the bellringers showed up to practice with a copy of susan sontag's on photography. now it has been a long time since horsemouth has read this (and she had only got as far as the diane arbus section america through photographs, darkly). the book itself had seen batter days - it had been shoved in the bottom of a canvas bag that had been accidentally left in a  puddle. 

horsemouth took it as an opportunity for conversation. horsemouth actually has a copy of it here. (found it!) he should get on with reading it. 

some photos have surfaced of horsemouth in howard's back garden the day after the gig at waterintobeer (thanks martin). 

we are talking august 25th (something like that). howard had the don and moki cherry book organic music societies (horsemouth is pictured reading it here). horsemouth should have borrowed it as proposed.

as horsemouth remembers it there are more photos of him using the book as a prop and getting it photographed against more of the flora in howard's garden. (book as prop). he will try to get hold of these. 

he has asked. these photos are on the physical film in the film camera on the table that has not yet been developed. 

and so he will have to wait. 

ok today (a friday) horsemouth has no particular plans - oh shit he's got to go and open up the abbey (back in a bit).

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