Wednesday 2 October 2024

'waves of steel hurled metal at the sky'

here's the interesting thing

horsemouth is not improved. is just as tetchy today as he was yesterday. 

horsemouth is of a very simple opinion - if people want something done in a particular fashion then they should do it themselves. 

ah the sun has just come out (he may go for another walk). 

horsemouth and his mum are on abbey duty next week

tbh the weather is looking a bit rubbish. 

horsemouth likes duty and he likes structure and he's capable of getting up in the mornings and doing things almost immediately. for example most mornings he lets the chickens out and feeds them before he has had a cup of coffee (and indeed in the summer it was the same with watering the garden or taking the milk to the fridge in the garage).  

delivering eggs or taking the rubbish/ recycling bins down the drive (and then back up the next day), tasks for later in the day, horsemouth is good with all of these. 

horsemouth is thinking about being in london from the 18th to the 25th. a friend is over visiting. 

later today a presentation by michelle coltrane and brandee younger about alice coltrane's life and work at the university of michigan.  the department has a youtube channel so perhaps  the talk or perhaps the michelle coltrane/ brandee younger gig on the 4th will be on it. 

tory leadership contest 

there's a new yougov poll from 29/09 

jenrick's pull with conservative party membership is  improving (well he did call his daughter thatcher). if it's jenrick/ badenoch then the vote is likely to be 

jenrick   48% 

badenoch 52% 

otherwise against all the other candidates  jenrick wins. 

(of the 802 tories in the sample only 634 would say so still more wriggle room than the media are presenting it as).

meanwhile... war in the east

this tune seems to suit the times very well. 'waves of steel hurled metal at the sky'

elsewhere horsemouth watched an interview with paul kingsnorth, a 'collapsitarian', a 'doomster'. so what does global warming do? it collapses the empire that is world capitalism. the problem is that while we have seen empires collapse before we have never seen a world empire collapse. 

and empires collapse slowly, they do not fall over night. people live generations within them. 

now horsemouth agrees that we are on kubler-ross strasse with global warming, moving down grief street, we are at bargaining and denial, of course solar panels and smart energy systems will keep the lights on and save us, well save some of us, for a while.  on the other hand there could be a collapse but not sufficiently far to allow a new world to be born. 

(watching kingsnorth should not be interpreted as agreeing with all his positions). 

top of the page one of howard's golden glows (from this date in 2016).

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