sounds like howard is starting off his mixcloud golden glow mix from this date in 2022 with the cocteau twins and then manaha do carnival. (good cover photo to this too! with lots of howard's drawings)
tomorrow horsemouth is back on the diary rota.
phew. it's the day before and horsemouth has done his tasks for the day (excepting rolling the waste bin down the drive and feeding and locking up the chickens this evening).
tasks make horsemouth grumpy (he never likes to be observed when he is doing them). ok he's going to nip outside now and feed and lock up the chickens (for their own protection you understand). there's a moon up in the sky but it is not yet full. (beaver's moon friday)
hmm. just saw marlowe chan-reeves in shetland (series 9 episode 2). well done dude. this follows on from seeing django chan-reeves in van der valk a few years ago.
horsemouth watches very little tv with his mum now that the internet is available but he does find himself bored (and boring) at the moment.
similarly he's not reading much. in theory he has victor serge's the conquered city and the diary of the reverend william poole on the go. the victor serge is great (the little horsemouth has read of it).
in the morning he will go down to the bottom of the drive to get the bin (after he has fed and unleashed the chickens of course). thursday night bell-ringing. saturday the new washing-machine is coming. sunday horsemouth's brother comes to visit.
it's the morning. horsemouth hasn't been down to the bottom the drive to get the bin yet but he has fed and unleashed the chickens.
he's been trying to catch up with his reading on the decarbonisation side of things. there's a mancom monday with a necessary vote by this point horsemouth will be back in the wen. he will be up in the wen until the friday (he'd like to go up earlier and stay longer but he thinks he may be needed back in the wilds).
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