Saturday, 25 January 2025

the downfall of paris

ah look horsemouth is sneaking onto facebook a day early to write his blogpost for the next day (so a notentirelywritteninthemorningblogpost). 

horsemouth knows he should be getting on with the gardening (but he's not exactly sure what he should be getting on with). 

25th january 1871. kilvert is away visiting friends (don't worry soon he will be back in clyro and back to the good stuff). 

'today it was rumoured that paris is about to capitulate. how prophetic was the old welsh country dance taught to men by the fairies and called (why?) 'the downfall of paris'.'

you see wikipedia has another theory about the origins of the tune. the capitulation of paris  will not come until the 30th (according to edmond de goncourt). tomorrow (the 26th january 1871), for instance,  he will be complaining 'the shells are coming closer'. 

horsemouth is annoyed. some money that was sent has not arrived (jesus fucking pigshit). (so much for yesterday's irritations).

he has a programme about diaries to listen to. last night he watched a victorian  set detective serial.  

later he chopped out a substack on his favourite piece of pandemic art I but he was unable to find again the piece that should have gone with it (a piece from wither the LRB or the NLR on singing during lockdown). he cannot now remember where he may have put it. 

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