Tuesday, 7 January 2025

tuesday the week deepens (temporarily solved and that will do for now)

'the sufferings of paris during the siege? a joke for two months. in the third month the joke went sour. now nobody finds it funny any more, and we a re moving fast towards starvation...'  - edmond de goncourt, on this day in 1871

tuesday there's the taking the milk delivery over to the fridge in the garage. (remind him he tends to forget). 


horsemouth debated going into town but he didn't seen the bus go past and wouldn't want to be stuck in town or walking back (if that were possible). 

there was a plan to photocopy something for a renewal letter. but the photocopier/ printer hasn't worked in a while. horsemouth now remembers there was an abortive mission to find a photocopier locally but the nearest one was at locke's garage. however that didn't stop him from being trapped in tech-support hell explaining the scanner/printer/ photocopier without ink for a full half hour. 

and the day didn't get any better thereafter. there was the letter that needed to be sent but no envelopes and stamps could be found. off goes muggins to the village to get the stamps and envelopes but when he gets back it is decided that he needs to go back to the village to post the letter now that it is completed rather than say er. buy an envelope and stamps and complete it then and there there and just pop it in the post box. 

hopefully that's the last we've heard of it (but horsemouth is not convinced he thinks it is bad gear it will be back). 

ah well even if that is the case it is at least temporarily solved (and that will do for now). 

it is tuesday and the week deepens. the good news is that the reports on getting the houses up to an EPC C and beyond have arrived. or at least some of them have arrived and the others are coming. on the 20th there's a mancom hopefully they can get these approved and off ruond the members in the houses. 

above junipero 

riogordo adjacent

american primitive adjacent

presumably filmed in malaga

there are more vids. 

last night a good book video by michael martin  including one book by a russian orthodox cleric who helped design their national grid system pre-war (the pillar and ground of the truth by pavel florensky).  

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