Friday, 14 February 2025

'a poem that started in words (and continued in images)...' (happy let's kill captain cook day)


horsemouth had gotten the overground over to highbury and islington (first a walk to homerton railway station 0.8 mile), he then walked down to angel (1 mile) before walking back along the canal (and via broadway market 2.2 miles plus 1.8 miles) with a detour to investigate shepherdess walk. 

this time his visit to the bank was not made difficult by grumpy old (and possibly homeless) men. 

a detour to investigate shepherdess walk

in 1948 the doctor, poet, film-maker and orcadian margaret tait lived at  93 shepherdess walk  (while working in shoreditch). there's a blue-ish plaque. 

she is best known for her film blue black permanent. the line 'a poem that started in words and continued in images' that's pretty good.

similarly there are the shepherdess walk mosaics (now just as accessible from a large park) but horsemouth walked down the narrow passageway under one of the houses to them. 

that may be him for the day (now that he's got home)

(wait let him work out how far that is) 

so (all told) something edging up around 6 miles.

he also did a quick tour of the neighbourhood in the morning (up to the powerscroft road book-box (no joy)  and back via colenso road) and later on he wandered out to two other neighbouring book boxes (nothing nothing nothing).

in the evening he watched fellini's amarcord and then went to bed early.  

ok horsemouth may have just booked a walk with TG for this friday morning. he's booked beers with minty the evening. he's booked dinner thursday the 20th.  

it's let's kill captain cook day which horsemouth tends to prefer to celebrate rather than st.valentine's day. 

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