Tuesday, 11 February 2025

the black cat and the communal endeavour

it's the monday afternoon. it is rainy and cold out. horsemouth has two meetings this evening (in a bit he will tell his mum), he's dreading one of them. the other he thinks will be a walk in the park. he doesn't think he really needs to be present at either (it may be useful if he is but he can't see how). 

just before the meetings he'll go and lock up the chickens and feed them. 

tuesday evening they have off. 

wednesday his own house in the wen is the topic of discussion (and for that horsemouth may even be in his own house in the wen). 

howard's house is up next monday. 

hopefully by the end of next week they should have all the meetings completed.  towards the end of february they can take the necessary next votes in the management committee. 

sometime before april they should know from DESNZ whether their bid for wave 3 warmer homes money has been successful. if it has (or if it hasn't)  then thereafter planning can begin and then work can begin. 


horsemouth has just done the two meetings (he's had his restorative bottle of beer). they were in reverse order - the awkward bastards were well behaved (for now) and the walk in the park turned out to be the house where everyone was in their separate rooms and no one could bear to let anyone else speak. 

horsemouth has come round to the opinion that he doesn't need to be there for the other meetings. he doesn't think him being there adds anything (in fact he thinks it dilutes the necessary transference). he's seen how it works and thinks it works well enough. better to let the people who are being paid to do it get on with it. 


above fulci's the black cat (recordings of the dead). the black cat was around this morning. horsemouth is never sure what it is up to. 

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