Sunday, 9 February 2025

'the change of the seasons' (lonnie dubs it out)

major article in the NYT on the alice coltrane show opening today at the hammer museum in los angeles. (hey doja cat grew up in alice coltrane's ashram).  and the good things keep coming - today at 2pm NTS radio have an alice coltrane  special. 

horsemouth was just listening to  sais (egypt) by lonnie liston smith which is properly cosmic (like it promises). the band vamps away in a cuban style while lonnie dubs it out. 

now he's listening to in search of truth from astral traveling (the lonnie liston smith album version) which seems to have sitars on it. ok no it's geeta vashi on tamboura (and there's badal roy on tabla too). 

'he who has no ties to this world is attached only by the change of the seasons' - yoshida kenko, essays in idleness (as quoted in andrei sinyavsky's  a voice from the chorus). this must have been quite the book in the 70ies soviet union because tarkovsky mentions it also in his diary. sinyavsky also mentions finding a copy of robert louis stephenson's the strange case of dr. jeckyll and mr. hyde. 

it's a greyish morning. horsemouth's mum had a bump last night (but there was plenty of sport on the tv to console her). zoom beers with howard last night too (mostly discussing the house). 

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