Friday, 28 February 2025

you have memories to look back on today

oh dear horsemouth has lost his temper. he has just been for a stomp about the common in an attempt to recover his equanimity. he struggled to avoid a couple out for a walk but (by sods law) seemed to encounter them every hundred yards or so. he managed not to fall over in the mud (that's another achievement). 

black storm clouds hovered about him. the wind wailed and gnashed its teeth. 

it seems a pity to be in a bad mood when the weather is glorious (if cold). in a bit the 12:00 news. at some point the new vacuum cleaner is being delivered (as far as he could work out from the delivery man's brummie accent and poor phone signal). 

excellent his mum has shifted her attention onto the vacuum cleaner delivery. 


horsemouth and the EPCs

horsemouth thinks there is broad support within the communal endeavour to get the houses to an EPC C standard by 2030 (in line with government policy). this is good.

horsemouth wasn't in the other house meetings but he guesses  a lot of people aren't using their gas central heating to heat the property because it is too expensive but are using electric heaters to heat themselves individually instead. this is almost certainly even more expensive again but until the insulation has been improved in the houses horsemouth suspects the communal endeavour  will have little success in persuading people otherwise.

it is probably also worth while having the chat about which types of properties are best for heat pumps and if any of the ones the endeavour has match this. horsemouth's understanding is ideally you want a terraced house (so you only get major heat losses out of the front and back of the building not to the sides) to make it easier for the heat pump to do its work. 

let us take two houses D and C

neither D nor C are particularly suited because they are not terraced houses and so insulated on either side by their neighbours - both have an exposed sidewall (and in D's case two). 

a heat pump for D? - horsemouth's  feeling (from his reading) is that heat pumps don't save you money (but solar panels and batteries do). D strikes him as a better bet for boiler replacement  rather than a heat pump - but there again it will make no difference if people aren't rich enough to use it to heat the property (and similarly for the other houses). 

heat pumps are a different kind of heat from gas combi boilers and they need people who will turn them on and leave them on at a low level all the time and wait (days) for the property to warm up to the required level - it needs a calm character type to operate them best.  the people in C are eco-enthusiasts, maybe they are the right people for it. or maybe there is an unsuspected terraced house that would be right for it. 

anyway soon this will not be horsemouth's problem. he plans to mourn this at the same time that he recognises that it was fucking annoying and he may even be happier without it.


later on (before he goes out) horsemouth is feeling anxious and blah. 


he's back from the bell-ringing and the pub and he's happy and drunk. 


he's up he has his coffee. it's a bright frosty morning. he has seen to the chickens and taken the milk over to the garage. he has a slight headache (but nothing fatal). 

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