'reading through this book of mine, and the subsequent ones of the same kind, I see that my approach has the merit of being highly unoriginal...' - john stewart collis, down to earth, introduction.
'I have learned from long experience that there is nothing that is not marvellous and that the saying of aristotle is true - that in every natural phenomenon there is something wonderful, nay in truth, many wonders.' - john de dondis, 14th C. sage according to collis.
this is probably actually jacopo dondi - famous as a clock-maker, scientist and a medic.
zoom beers? maybe. maybe not. it is looking like not (howard is probably off to see jackie).
turns out howard was away at a gig ex-easter island head and here's a photo to prove it. 'like glenn branka crossed woth penguin cafe with a little bit of steve reich sprinkled on top' says howard.
horsemouth can see how this would fit in with a number of howard's current thoughts and practices.
back at the gaff the washing machine has (allegedly) died.
next week horsemouth and his mum are on abbey duty
and there's a meeting wednesday (that should cheer horsemouth up).
saturday horsemouth went for a walk and sat outside for a bit. he even read john stewart collis' down to earth from whence the quotes above. collis considers the humble potato, and the humble earth worm, ants, dunghills.
so improv musician (and horsemouth's former tai-chi teacher about 40 or so years ago) susanna ferrar is far away and giving a lecture. she has a blog (it's very good) thoughts on antarctic exploration, king penguins, site-specific improvisation, education in hackney.
last night horsemouth watched a bit of martin scorsese's music documentary about bob dylan. he picked it up when dylan arrived in new york city, there was fred neil and dave van ronk (and karen dalton), there was izzy young from the folklore centre... there are the poets, ginsberg cries when he gets back from india and hears him. there are joan baez and susie rotolo.
heading this up with a video of shankar making the soundtrack to alice brings up the possibility that joan baez and susie rotolo are alice and her sister, but shouldn't that be joan baez and mimi farina?
was bob dylan a hustler? no. but he knew what he wanted. he was very focused.
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