'the wise man makes his life monotonous for then even the tiniest incident becomes imbued with great significance.' - fernando pessoa. the book of disquiet, fragment 20[56]
horsemouth is here in the wilds about to listen to the robbie basho listening party- music from the boxed set of live recordings and some words from the producer of the film about him voice of the eagle liam barker.it begins with chung mei - the chinese orchid. ok seems like liam barker won't be speaking. horsemouth missed the basho album giveaway. basho announces one song (himalayan highlands) as 'the wedding song of one john fahey'.
howard (as musiciansofbremen) listened in as well (starting at about 6.30 after work). they lasted until the end (stamina massive) and pronounced themselves well pleased.
yesterday horsemouth wandered over to ewyas harold and then wandered back with a backpack full of shopping. no he didn't fall over in the mud (but it was a close run thing). he was feeling surprisingly not too bad after his night out post bell-ringing (but on the other hand he never felt tip-top either).
monmouthshire and brecon canal blues
it seems like the monmouthshire and brecon canal (here labelled the brecon and abergavenny canal) may be turned into mud and stranded boats because of water diversion restrictions. as anyone who knows anything about wales will tell you it rains, it rains a lot, if it's not raining it is some kind of miracle. the notion that there could be a shortage of water is pure fucking comedy.
horsemouth has seen a book about the monmouthshire and brecon canal. he wonders if he still has any pictures of it. the book itself waterways restored was written (and probably illustrated) by p.j.g. ransom went to live with a canal boat dweller.
horsemouth is doing his best to avoid the news. he dislikes displays of bullying power. he finds them infuriating and best avoided. horsemouth can't bear to watch it (he's a sensitive soul). 'you have no cards'. horsemouth feels sorry for zelensky. the ukrainians have fought and died and now their main backer has announced it wants to sell them down the river, partition their country and fuck them for the mineral rights. continuing with the pulp fiction theme the best it was going to be was the scene between marcellus and butch 'you may a little sting but that's just your pride fucking with you...' but instead vance and trump tag teamed him. it was ugly.
it's the morning. it is beautiful and frosty out there - a golden glow. winter is over and the sun rises just behind the nearest hill rather than on the far horizon.
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