so the european powers are keen to step up for ukraine.
but not for gaza? or the west bank? how come?
or are they just saying that now (confident their bluff will not be called).
we'll send troops (if there's a peace deal with US security guarantees).
oh dear 'history' has started up again.
is this a temporary phenomenon?
trade, wars, and tariffs
how long would it take to start mining minerals in ukraine (or the donbas for that matter)? how keen would companies be to start digging with shells whistling round their ears?
argh! a phone menu at the local health centre - the book covid vaccination appointment has not been turned on. that and the fact that his mum's mobile seems to have died and the landline phone seems half-dead and keeps cutting out because of exhausted rechargeable batteries. horsemouth eventually managed to get through with his own mobile only to be greeted with the not yet properly set up phone menu.
his mum is going in tomorrow anyway.
it's the thursday and horsemouth is feeling uninspired. he's not sure why. he's tempted to blame social media. he's listening to some jon hassell (which is much of muchess), next some late style alice coltrane (maybe). now he's on to harold budd bismillahi 'rrahman 'rrahim... and then more harold budd (it seems to be doing the trick).
in a bit it will be dark and he will go out and feed and lock up the chickens. (he will be useful).
ok he's done it.
later still the bell-ringing.
and after that a paranoid meltdown. he thought he'd had his cards and his phone stolen (but it turned out not to be the case). horsemouth was temporarily locked out of his email but he can still get access to his facebook page, his substack and shortly he will be working on his blogspot (yes success).
but here he is again. it's a rainy greyish morning.
he was briefly full of good intentions. now the trick is to make sure he actualises some of those.
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