Monday 7 July 2014

album cover

outside it is a bright sunshiney morning - horsemouth is saving up these memories for winter when he will be walking up the beach back and fore, back and fore with a fat child on his shoulders in the pissing wind and rain, probably shivering with fever.

after a busy couple of days new improved horsemouth was feeling tired out and sleepy - after babysitting at J and D's (and a late night whiskey fueled songster session) horsemouth rose early in the morning to walk over to his brother's. the day's planned activity was shopping so horsemouth returned via steamtrain to clapton and called in on howard.

the business of the day was to work on the album cover for the musicians of bremen - here are some contenders (though they may not win through in the end) another task for the day was to finalise the track listing, assign IDE(?) numbers etc. - all of this is howard's area much more than horsemouth's but it didn't stop him from eating a hearty breakfast to fuel him for it and sticking his oar in.

tracklisting is a bit of a bone of contention - howard had one (but lost it) featuring all the tracks recorded by musicians during the recording season, horsemouth had an earlier one that he and howard agreed that he thinks would function well as a song-cycle (thus permitting the argument that they should be listened to all together - in a violation of current listening habits).

horsemouth returned home on the official burnt toast celebrated 425 bus. he then fiddled and snoozed his way through the evening, installing the CD rack he'd picked up as a beer trophy even before they played their gig, at one point even cooking (potato and chick peas). the flat needs a hoover and a tidy round, horsemouth needs to buy in some more food (tick- done). he should resist the urge to go and buy more books (fail). tomorrow he is demonstrating again - the phony war following the credit crunch is over, the cuts have finally made their way through the bureaucracy to horsemouth' s area of activity (beachside donkey rides).

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