Thursday 3 July 2014

the man who fell to earth (atlantis and mir)

horsemouth is up early - musicians of bremen played (people seemed to like it), he thanks gertrude for inviting them and people for coming and bohemianaut nick DD for doing the sound (and of course all the people who went 'BOOM - Tschack' as requested) . after playing he (to mix metaphors) hung around for a bit decompressing and then (still full of adrenaline) walked home.

as usual with horsemouth's psychic economy having had a success he is busy converting it into a failure - once again he has not been declared god emperor of the universe and instituted universal concubinage - he must be doing something wrong. 

yesterday there was a lot of hanging around - horsemouth went up to chateau bremen to rehearse at 1pm - but they didn't really need to and were then stuck hanging around for the rest of the afternoon. where to play next (that's the question), where is that next gig coming from. but also how to get the music to the people so that people will actually hear it. 


at the end of the space race astronauts and cosmonauts shook hands through the open hatchway between space shuttle atlantis and the space station mir and then... it was over.

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