Sunday 19 April 2015

a bright sunny morning with clouds and a dream (and boats and cormorants)

it is a bright sunny morning with clouds. last night horsemouth dreamt he was in montreal again (but he wasn't having much fun). he was drifting around libraries (admittedly funky looking libraries that seemed to double as student halls of residence). he was trying to remember where people lived. finding this dull horsemouth's brain teleported him onto a bus (horsemouth had no recollection of getting on nor of buying a ticket nor of knowing where it was going) - horsemouth resolved to stay on until the first stop and get off there - whenever that was. after a whle they arrived - they didn't seem to be checking tickets on the way out and horsemouth found himself in a sunny pleasant town just outside montreal (possibly a suburb - it's a big island or possibly a satellite town) - a while later he was in a very chinese mall - a little while later at a dance performance. horsemouth was invited to join in - at some point a girl kissed him.
this dream may indicate travel.

last night horsemouth was due to go out and be sociable but after friday's drinking session and a saturday spring cleaning his flat horsemouth was doubtful. social events and invites usually cause horsemouth some anxiety. though normally once he is there he has a fine old time. he worries about who will be there, who will go, etc. etc. this means he accepts far fewer social invitations than he receives (sorry - this by way of an apology should he ever blow you out) and certainly far fewer than he should attend. he also missed record store day - but this bothers him less.

sunday (today) he was pleased to note a friend was going for a birthday walk - up the canal path from limehouse to victoria park - to attend a boat-livers towpath party against the plan to run those on continuous cruising licenses out of town - a girl from tyrone was playing bodhran and reciting poetry. they then went on to the second tuesday club to look at a series of leonora carrington drawings in the backroom (this they duly did) - one of them featured cormorants (allegedly).

on the way back horsemouth bumped into marike in tower hamlets cemetery park - she was escaping from writing an essay on leadership and directed him to some wild garlic for the good of his health. 

monday he works (just a little bit) and there is a gig he should go to. tuesday he works all day (and thursday), wednesday, friday he works half days. it looks like he will be done by about may 8th - seeing as they are already giving away 'his' hours to other beachside donkeymules who are short of hours (allegedly).

he really needs a vacuum cleaner - that's possibly the only way to deal with the dust caused by so many books and records and CDs and potted plants (he was spring cleaning yesterday so this is fresh on his mind). the beans on the balcony continue to do well, some nasturtiums are even coming up - horsemouth has rearranged it to use the space more efficiently and to place the bean plants nearer the railings (up which they can climb). the smell of wild garlic now permeates the flat.

he has been reading ishmael reed's yellowback radio broke-down.

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