Tuesday 21 April 2015

'the creative person should have no other biography than his works'

- b.traven (allegedly)

horsemouth missed the quote when he first read the article a month or so ago (seems like the quote is genuine).

horsemouth has been reading yellow back radio broke-down by ishmael reed, a pataphysical pynchonesque blaxploitation cowboy story. he writes this in bed (on his new matress with his freshly laundered duvet covers and sheet) in his sprung-cleaned flat (ok ok there are still dusty corners where the spiders roam).

of course the quote presents horsemouth with a problem - his whole generation is serving up their lives as entertainment and validation on faceborg leaving no mystique or wriggle-room or cooking-time for themselves and their own cultural product. (as horsemouth is doing now). only a few have held out against the world-wide confession -hopefully they will produce extended works of such genius that the rest of us will be shamed into composition. and, as friends joked yesterday, the least gchq can do, if it is monitoring us, is to offer a free back up system;

'gchq? oh sorry NSA... I appear to have lost my blog post... thank you. if you would. most kind. etc.' 

b. traven shows us how it is done - autobiographical failure and amnesias all round - just the works.


horsemouth has been working on killing floor - taking howling wolf's original as his guide rather than jimi hendrix's combined lead and rhythm guitar fuck you eric clapton  version. it's a lot like carla thomas's tramp (later robbed by salt n' pepa, aphrodite and mickey finn etc.) the problem for horsemouth is not the horn chant parts (as it were) but the rhythmic chug - if he can get that right he can make a reasonable fist of the vocal. he's starting to have fun with the resonator - it's starting to speak.

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