Friday 9 December 2016

a tour of the monuments of passaic new jersey

horsemouth is back in a cheerful frame of mind having wrestled with the angel of remorse - he wrestled the angel (off and on - work permitting) until about 4pm monday and then the angel vanished in a puff of smoke (leaving horsemouth in his current cheerful frame of mind).

he went to visit iona and denise (and iona’s flatmate) - iona fed him and then they adjourned to the pub (has horsemouth still not learned his lesson you ask? - er. no probably not, no.). there was some discussion of the importance of structure - structure (having to get up the next day to go to work and not wishing to be savagely hungover while doing it) is enough to save some people (arguably it has been the salvation of horsemouth). other people (maybe horsemouth one day too) just have to quit - really and truthfully their drinking etc. just destructive and selfish.

horsemouth is sad to say that he doesn’t think music can save these people either (or perhaps not even himself) - it works on the bit of the personality that alcohol works on.

in the night horsemouth dreamt of a league of underground satanists (who wore jeans and black t-shirts) at first he was ok with being in their beer hall but then it looked like it might all turn violent and horsemouth fled before becoming lost in the darkness. earlier horsemouth had had a more enjoyable dream trying to find a bar in dalston with jaime (and a woman called claire), earlier still there was a dream involving mandy and a half-human half animal god (in the style of otto rank).

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