Monday 5 December 2016

rick burners II

horsemouth has survived the birthday party, he survived the hangover and is now wrestling with the angel of remorse.

the first set went well (although it was largely played in the living room round the corner) and the rick burners (horsemouth and andrew minty - still they don’t have an agreed name) largely played their hits - abba eagle, painbirds, gene clarke silver raven (the ornithologically themed part of the set), muddy waters mojo working, howling wolf back door man, various shit-kicker hymns power in the blood, how great thou art.

there was then a relocation (at siobhan and morven’s insistence) round the corner actually into the kitchen (this set too was well played and sung - as far as horsemouth can recall). there then followed some enjoyable playing through of songs from songbooks.

horsemouth then took a break (feeling a little worse for wear but still strangely invincible). it was then that he made the mistake of returning to the fray but sadly by now he was worse for wear and his reading and his timing was off and his singing voice appeared to have deserted him.

this is the reason why horsemouth is wrestling with the angel of remorse (other than that he had a good time and enjoyed himself - hopefully he wasn’t too out of order).

the party broke up at some unreasonable hour and horsemouth returned home to bed. ok in the cold light of day (and the days commute and work done) probably no harm done. probably. a friend is over visiting - horsemouth goes to meet them for food (and some others).

ok perspective is returning to him. no photos this time - so you’ll have to make do with some from last time.

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