Monday 12 June 2017

handwriting (character formation)

horsemouth feels like his profile picture looks. a bit spaced and braindead from the weekend (well ok just from sunday).

it began well with a walk over to the junction in search of internet access, the back again to well common for the jumble sale and fete. there horsemouth rendezvoused with martin and andrew minty (and bumped into alessia and alice briefly) thence to the fields (1 can of red stripe), thence to martin’s famous roof garden, thence to the regent to meet up with some of martin’s friends and to drink more beer and thence to xname’s gig at cafe OTO.

by the time horsemouth arrived xname was already onstage arc-welding the future with intense concentration (making beats out of strobe lights and light controlled variable resistors) - horsemouth described it as ‘dark’ (this was probably the wrong thing to say). thanks for getting him a squeeze in anyway (and for buying him a drink).

martin would probably have something to say about écriture féminine in discussing the next band on odwalla 1221 - not even glitchy but with something of the randomness of disassociated sound - to call it quirky would be lazy, but horsemouth did warn you he was a little braindead today. the book on handwriting in america continues to go well -horsemouth is surprised that he had not noticed this connection before he came to write this - the graphologists discovered measurable differences between female and male handwriting but handwriting-reveals-your-personality-and-destiny pundits held that there were not (largely because many were women and they did not want women to be held back to their existing social roles).

braindead (as he was by the end of the night) - horsemouth held it together manfully for a while (chatting with a basque girl from madrid who had lived in cork and a dutch geezer) but having failed to blag a lift home he had recourse to the bus. he suffered a little this morning - really (at his age) he should be developing a more cautious attitude to alcohol this would enable him to fulfill his social obligations.

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