Saturday 17 June 2017

palma c-103n (the volume of conversations)

horsemouth has identified the guitar he found on a wall (and restrung rather badly) - it is a palma c-103n a japanese guitar made by the terada firm he believes (and popular with the parents of children learning to play because they are cheap and comparatively well made for their price).

how did he make this discovery? he heard something rattling round inside the box (and lo and behold it was the label). it’s not like he did hours of detective work on the internet tracking down rosette patterns (etc.).

furthermore last night he took it up the fields with andrew minty (lisa and lise jones,others briefly) and gave it a good thrashing - it strums well, has good tone, though it has a few annoying little buzzes (the action is probably a little on the low side).

horsemouth has had his almeria bm fixed - nut and saddle replaced and restrung -£40 bargain (cheers dudes - guitarshop balls pond road) ‘great for helping you make that step from a beginner to a seasoned professional’. the tragedy is that horsemouth doesn’t have the repertoire to go with these fine instruments.

‘... as I look deeper into the mirror, I find myself a more curious person than I had at first thought’ . says ruskin at the start of the second volume of his autobiography of the good bits praeterita. (horsemouth’s current reading)

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