Friday 10 January 2020

horsemouth’s 4th day at work of 2020 (the red ladies of the apocalypse)

horsemouth has just seen the extinction rebellion red rebel brigade (here the red ladies of the apocalypse) preparing to cross waterloo bridge. he admires the theatre of it. soon there will be a waterloo sunset but progressively this is now getting later and later on in the day (this horsemouth regards as a good thing). however there will come a point where he does not know what to do with this extra daylight and it will come to reproach him.

yesterday horsemouth hid in the library. he read a little of art forum december 2019 (the review of the year) - marina vishmidt reviewed one of the 12 books they’d selected, byron coley mentioned going to a gig by michael hurley (the original author of the werewolf before horsemouth got his paws (or should that be hooves) upon it), who is (miraculously considering his first album cam out in 1964) still alive.


'rather than allow the argument to take a philosophical turn (which would very soon have a sterilising effect), I prefer to carry on with my task’ - claude levi-strauss, from honey to ashes, the second volume of the series that began with the raw and the cooked.

(brackets added by the editor). in this levi-strauss tries to convince us that honey is the opposite of tobacco.

it is horsemouth’s 4th day at work of 2020 and he has just finished it (he is now free to relax until the afternoon of monday the 13th). his plan is to go to the mari lwyd and meet a number of people (glyn, max etc.) and then do fuck all over the rest of the weekend (possibly a little light babysitting and writing up his mari lwyd adventure (if there is anything to report)).

horsemouth continued to read frances steegmuller’s biography of apollinaire - apollinaire falls in love with the english nanny of the fish-skinned countess (the countess is married to baron unicorn say the locals - mocking both the baron’s growths on his head and the countess’s eczema). the countess drives a car (she drives like a maniac), the baron has gone to normandy and committed suicide.

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