Tuesday 14 January 2020

once again nipper shows us the only way forward is uncompromising hostility...

footage has emerged of nipper (the his master’s voice dog) attacking the recording and reproduction apparatus. (https://giphy.com/gifs/nipper-kzyBS23xdC2gcFKVHd) it is usually taken as read he does this because he thinks his own voice being played back to him is somehow the voice of another dog hiding in the apparatus and that that voice cannot be his as it is not coming from his own body.

in fact nipper attacks the recording and reproduction apparatus as he realises the full horror of capital’s attack upon the aion - the empty, unstructured, creative time in which we (and all other animals) truly live (if we did but know it). nipper hears himself barking. he realises the capitalists have invented a time machine one that makes some aspects of the past (at least) repeatable. a vista of endless standardised repetition opens out in front of him. a time of fordised expression. nipper attacks. another part of his brain realizes immediately that now that they have stolen his bark that’s him out of a job. nipper attacks.

once again nipper shows us the only way forward is uncompromising hostility.

horsemouth  is reading american overdose: the opioid tragedy in three acts by chris mcgreal. (don’t worry culture vultures he will return to the apollinaire - it’s very enjoyable).

on the subject of recordings (but in a different key) horsemouth was listening to musicians of bremen volume two. this is the one horsemouth tends to neglect (because he's not on it much) but it is great. nice to hear all howard's obsessions and his way with a tune all in the same place. horsemouth does a bit of guitar and slide on 'blackwall tunnel' and then sings (reedily) and plays guitar on 'noah'.... other than that it's solid howard, and that's what makes it an interesting listen.

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