Monday 7 December 2020

(fluxtherapy day 3)

the guardian/ observer has a particular skill for picking the wrong title for its articles. it is so blinkered it cannot even properly read its own articles. for example this, an article that purports to be about whether moving to the countryside will be fun or not, is in fact an article about how people think the reporting of coronavirus has been distorted by middle class interests (such as moving to the countryside). 

well done grauniad! 

horsemouth is up and he has his coffee. sten is out the door and off to work (after a slight return to get his sandwiches). 

the government's ethics advisor has resigned (when he realised the futility of advising tories about ethics). in fact it may have been unethical to take the job in the first place (argues horsemouth). .

oh look here's robert (£45 million) jenrick, always willing to help out a friend, as are the entire government really, a frightfully obliging bunch.... 

it's foggy and cold out (so sten reports). 

horsemouth is particularly taken by this video (Rage Against the Quarantine someone has called it).  this is because he likes complex time signature heavy metal and he likes crazed protestant preaching. of course the idea is that is you are right with god (as adam and eve were in the garden of eden) you can't get sick. horsemouth thinks this is bollocks. satan is not the disease/ the disease is not satan. the disease is a biochemical phenomena which can only be fought by other biochemical phenomena (vaccinations etc.) or public health measures of the lockdown or test, track and isolate variety.

You may wish it to be otherwise and yet it is so.

fluxtherapy day 3. george maciunas does not see images but hears sound (purcell's music for a while with russel oberlin singing countertenor). which is about music as healing.

billie realises there is something else going on.

'I realize that george is in love with me, and that these sessions are erotic events to him. he is not always rational and has outbursts of temper, beside his fixation on me in his transvestite fantasies. he is in a great deal of pain as well. I'm not sure that I have the stamina, and especially the scope to be responsible.' 

last night zoom beers with howard. today work midday-ish. a problematic booking thursday.  he should attempt to get his flu jab in. having completed the movie horsemouth is at a loss for what to do next. normally next would be fairly obvious (horsemouth would attempt to capitalise on the movie more) but lockdown makes this problematic (similarly the album). 

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