Tuesday 8 December 2020

the secret structure of the soap opera (day 4 of the fluxtherapy)

'I am feeling a curious anger. I don't want to give direction but feel like leaving him unattended. my mind strays, but I force my attention back...

we are at cross-purposes, aggravating fantasies while trying to achieve equilibrium' 

it is day 4 of the fluxtherapy

billie has realised that george is in love with her. it is not a welcome realisation. 

the secret structure of soap operas is that you have 3 story strands - an ascending strand (rising in importance), a descending strand (fading away after a peak) and the continuing main strand. each gets roughly 7 short  scenes (just long enough for the action be moved on). the episode finishes with the scene of maximum drama from main story, some words and a wordless reaction shot. cue the eastender's drums.

the plan is for a new year's eve performance where billie and george will exchange formal clothing to a monteverdi madrigal zefiro torna in a piece called black and white.

horsemouth has just listened to zefiro torna  for the first time. he likes it. he likes the repetitive cello part (it waltzes round in a sort of habanera). it is the madrigal zefiro torna e di soavi accenti by ottavio rinuccini  set as a chaconne. zefiro is the west wind that brings spring. 

there's a woman's voice at the start of zarthus by robbie basho. horsemouth cannot find out who it is. 

 the fluxtherapy session comes to an end. 

'I agree to make up his face.. . By the time I finish, including hair styling, he looks like an elegant dyke. I can't stop looking at him and half fall in love.'

we end with a reaction shot on billie's face (nothing is said). cue eastender's drums. 

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