Friday 18 December 2020

horsemouth the night stalker (on the 8th day of the end times)

'you ask whether your verses are good. you ask me. you have asked others before. you send them to magazines. you compare them with other poems.... I beg you to give up all that. nobody can counsel and help you. nobody. there is only one single way. go into yourself. search for the reason that bids you to write.'  - rainer maria rilke, letters to a young poet.

horsemouth is up. it's a greyish/ darkish morning. he hasn't brought his diary with him (it will expire at home and go into the box with other previous diaries) so he can't refer to it to get inspiration(he will just have to rely upon his memory - such as it is).  

yesterday there was a brief period of sunshine. horsemouth used that to get out up on the common. the sun is low in the sky this time of year shining through the trees on the way up. later he went down to visit the abbey with his mum. the workmen are working on the roof (discussing time capsules). 

he watched kolchak - the night stalker a TV series following on (or leading to?) two low budget movies in which jaded reporter kolchak deals faces supernatural creatures set loose in modern day america. (kind of in the style of eerie comics). the movies are set in las vegas (vampire), seattle (ghost/ strangler), for the TV series they relocated it to chicago. 

strange to relate he's been enjoying reading the torygraph. it's nice to read a newspaper even if it's mad as hamsters and to the right of gengis khan. he went to bed early.

horsemouth should get on with his reading - he brought rilke's letters to a young poet  and kafka's diaries. it is debateable whether either were written with an eye to publication, or whether  either author would have approved of their publication. in both the writers struggle with the problems of writing.

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