Thursday 17 December 2020

on the 7th day of end times

red sky in the morning.

horsemouth goes downstairs in a minute for porridge and toast (no tea, he's still on the coffee).

he worries about the new variant of the virus (excellent timing virus). he worries about the christmas super spreading event (be smart humanity, don't do as horsemouth does, stay home. do horsemouth's work for him). 

last night thriller a 70ies tv series (with diana dors as a witch) to follow on from shadows a 70ies tv series of a supernatural nature (great title credits - very owl service but more urban).

last night no reading (particularly). a meeting (at a distance). which went ok. 

on the 7th day of end times (the 3rd day where he is). 

see the sun is now out. horsemouth is going to get out for a quick womble. 

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