Tuesday 22 December 2020

in the rainbow dome of calculated risk

 horsemouth is up and awake. he has his coffee. (come to think of it there's still a smidgin more in the pot)

last night he slept poorly (or at least he thinks he did). this is rare. but it seems strange to him that he would lie there for 8 hours or so if he were not asleep at some point. like he says this is rare - normally horsemouth sleeps like a log. 

today? new improved sociability horsemouth. 

as a kid a friend in caerphilly had a copy of steve hillage's radio dome music, recorded for the rainbow dome at the festival for mind-body-spirit, olympia london, 21–29 april 1979  they all sat around it waiting for the drums to kick in. they waited. perplexity ruled. in hushed tones they used the word ambient. later this became a bit of a buzz word in techno.

horsemouth was probably set thinking about it by the music english heritage were playing over the sunset and sunrise at stonehenge for the solstice

later (in the herefordshire village of peterchurch) another friend set up a giant frippertronics tape loop between two reel-to-reel tape recorders. this would be sometime in the early eighties. horsemouth played some guitar into it (but failed to appreciate the requirement of it). 

back in april 2020 an invitation from new york  to listen to alice coltrane's journey in satchidananda on classic album sundays. the world was going to hell in a bucket but here was a defining statement of cosmic love.

horsemouth is taking a calculated risk (as he assumes many people round the country are). except you can't calculate any of the risks because you can't know everyone's histories, you can't get tested promptly. so far so good. (mutters horsemouth). it's looking grey out there but maybe a walk on the common day (that sort of a thing). 

ok listening to the birdsong now. contemplating breakfast. 

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