Monday 21 December 2020

the sun stands still

it's a misty morning at stonehenge (horsemouth was just watching it online). given the mist there's not much seeing of anything. some security guards/ cops wander about in high vis. it's a misty morning in the golden valley too. (so much for seeing jupiter and saturn). horsemouth opens the window to disperse the condensation on it. 

a young franz kafka visits rudolf steiner and reads him a prepared speech. nearly ten years before rilke is staying on the capitol in rome near the statue of marcus aurelius. 

we have reached the longest night and the shortest day. we begin our climb back up towards the light. the equinox (day and night of equal length) is on march 20th (91 days away). then, once again, the sunny uplands of the year. we are halfway through the long dark tunnel.

the logic of the virus is the logic of the crowd. it must be refused. and capitalism provides a deep and abiding alienation that can enable this. 

late last night a chat with mike in texas. both horsemouth and mike get to write (this is very good for them).  mike reminded horsemouth of one of his birthdays - high up in the renaissance tower restaurant overlooking detroit (a detroit in ruins let us not forget). horsemouth had an excellent birthday (so much so he slept through the alarm the next morning  and had to stay another day. will tesla (the hero engineer) open an electric car plant in the downtown and bring detroit back. who can say. 

all horsemouth can say is that the bar they went to had kraftwerk on the juke box. 

detroit was built by the car. detroit was killed by the car. the car enables the suburbs (in the same way as the railway did in earlier times in london). it will be interesting to see what the effect of the pandemic is upon the cities. will the youth still want to be there? 

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