Saturday 5 December 2020

' love... devotion... melancholy' (the beginning of the fluxtherapy)

so someone described the music of robbie basho. his belongings scattered to the four winds of sufism reformulated. his own stash of recordings has surfaced. to horsemouth there's little doubt that basho can do it - he can go high, he can go deep, he can really play, he can really sing.

it was bandcamp friday. horsemouth doesn't think musicians of bremen  made any sales (but he'll go round and check in a minute). the fall of the house of fitzgerald has passed its 300th view.

horsemouth was up early (for no good reason) and is now a little sleepy. 

horsemouth rolls towards having made his rent for the year (december's paycheck, arriving in january, should do it). thereafter it is all gravy. horsemouth is not fussed if he makes any money this year (just so long as he doesn't die). 

'I have now examined my desk more closely and have seen that nothing good can be done on it. there is so much lying about, it forms a disorder without proportion and without that compatibility of disordered things which otherwise make disorder bearable.' - franz kafka 24/12/1910

the fluxtherapy commenced on this day in 1977 and ran until december 16th. it is a kind of immobilisation therapy where the patient is encouraged to lie still and perhaps report what comes into their mind. billie had learnt about it at the queens medical centre. really it is nothing to do with fluxus.

 it's the weekend. horsemouth is stuck for something to do. in a little while he'll do the papers and then he'll try and get on with some reading. 

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