Friday 4 December 2020

when the bookshops are open again (the youth of america)

"that people kill themselves because of my blogs won’t stop me from writing”

to misquote a comment by the wonderfully grumpy marguerite duras. 

the US election result (should the government change on the back of it) will still be the 'dismal rubber stamp of the unacceptable status quo' on this larry cohen, mike davis, david runciman, all the bien pensant commentators are in agreement. horsemouth has a horrible suspicion they are right. biden is the safe candidate of centrists who won't be able to do anything because of a weak position of the democrats in congress and the senate. a weak position they deserve because of their irrelevance.  

there's an interesting survey where a third of black american youth interviewed list revolution as the best way forward. 

horsemouth thanks cameron for this track, he played it round tim's one time. (of course it's the doors LA woman really). 

of course the 70 million people who voted for trump and the armed militias that came out onto the street don't go away merely because trump loses in fact having failed to secure representation they become a bigger problem. the economic and political conditions that created them do not go away. 

'I won't give up the diary again. I must hold on here, it is the only place I can.' (franz kafka, 16th december 1910)

when the bookshops open again

when the bookshops open again horsemouth must buy some more marguerite duras. they probably are open again. he's been tempted back into reading the unburnt diaries of franz kafka, he still has the theory of the avant garde (by peter burger) to be getting on with, and he has a review  of expanded cinema: art, performance,film to be getting on with. 

in ingmar bergman's in the presence of a clown they expand cinema, the silent cinema of the day, by putting actors and musicians behind the screen. of course there's an excellent redundancy with this, if you do that you may as well put on a theatre performance. 

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