Tuesday 15 December 2020

quicklime girl (such things no longer are)

horsemouth plans an escape (hist don't tell the guard dogs). he'll let you know how things go when he's met up with the tunneling committee. 

a short fluxromance today (it is december 15th 1977);

'I tie george to my bed and read a robert graves poem to him.

 'she is no liar yet she will wash away/honey from her lips/blood from her shadowy hand/and dressed in white/descending the steps at dawn/will say (trusting the innocent world to understand)/such things no longer are/this is today.'

over on drama (freeview 20 8pm) last night j.k.rowling's blue oyster cult themed detective serial. a little bit of career of evil in one scene, quicklime girl lyrics quoted and DFTR (briefly) over the end titles. otherwise a stolid enough piece of detective fiction. 

hyde park by the end of the serpentine. a girl in a white throw, her nightie and some (white) trainers does a student fashion shoot framed by the white buildings by the fountains, horsemouth pauses to admire. what film shows up is every error of conception and execution. it is its own harsh and merciless critic. barbour wearing hunt supporters walk their dogs. 

horsemouth hadn't noticed how well this fits the flux therapy and romance. 

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