Monday 14 December 2020

sweet earth flying wind on the water

harold budd RIP

here he is playing marion brown's sweet earth flying part one. the bit paul bley plays on the album with electric piano. when he was in the US army he played in the band with archie shepp. thereafter it's eno and the cocteau twins.

horsemouth is up and about. he has finished reading disgrace by j.m. coetzee. our anti-hero is in the doghouse for his misdemeanours and has retired to the  countryside to lick his wounds. except the south african east cape countryside is too dangerous to retire to. the balance of power is changing and our hero is a loose canon. he's also too old to do it, his own relationships are not secure enough. 

to help out and keep busy he helps euthanise the stray dogs and take their bodies to the hospital incinerator. much to his own surprise he becomes concerned that their dead bodies are treated with respect. 

'december 14th. george enters my room. he takes off his shirt, shoes and glasses, as usual. the room temperature is perfect. outside rain drips steadily from the eaves. the house is quiet. I have been reading confessions of felix krull. since george recommended it to me, I tell him that I am enjoying it. 

he lies down after the usual preparations and closes his eyes.'

billie is still worried by the letter from the doctor. the session goes well  though. it is therapeutic. 

tomorrow a diary entry from franz kafka in 1910.

after putting the vacuum cleaner around (see he must be bored) horsemouth rearranged his room (well a little bit). 

until now horsemouth's strategy has been to insulate his room with books (as sten puts it). to this end he had bookshelves on either side of the chimney breast on the western wall of his room flat against the wall. his room is south facing and he has now repositioned the bookshelf the nook nearest the front wall so that it is backed against the front wall revealing the white wall in the nook and providing space to cache guitars. 

he has put a mirror in the nook as well (thus adding to the impression that the room is wider than it is).

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