Monday 25 January 2021

a stunning dawn

a stunning dawn. like something by maxwell parrish with snow. horsemouth possibly up a bit earlier (because it's cold). nonetheless he has a a window open now to get rid of the condensation. horsemouth has his coffee. 

last night he tried the sujiko which is kind of like a 3by3 grid containing the numbers 1 to 9 the sums of the four neighbouring squares you know (and maybe one of the numbers as a hint to get you started). you must then populate the other squares so that it all adds up correctly.

to horsemouth's way of thinking low and high numbers for the sums of the squares are interesting because low numbers and high numbers can only be made a limited number of ways, 10 for example (as the sum of four neighbouring squares) can only be made one way 1-2-3-4 (11 and 12 similarly so) and once used these numbers cannot be used elsewhere, similarly 30 can only be made one way 9-8-7-6. intermediate sums from 13 onwards can be made a variety of ways. 

horsemouth begins by elimination. he writes out the numbers 1 to 9 and strikes through all that he has 'used'. 

today two (admittedly small) bits of work. 

and then in the evening a meeting of the communal endeavour and the presentation of the budget for the year. this is where the endeavour plans ahead. this year has a big flat slice of handbacks (and the expenses and loss of revenue that goes with that). there will also be a smaller slice of additions to the co-op of new co-op owned property funded by the sale of larger shared housing that is less popular with the members as they age. like the sujiko the problem of development has limits and structure (and is thus solvable). 

of course what is actually achievable also determined by the times we live in also. 

horsemouth has a dreadful suspicion he's met the new junior housing minister at something (possible wearing his housing association hat). 

horsemouth is worried about spending so much time out of town. should he be? even if he gets back how much of  'life' can he actually get on with? 

soon breakfast - being a weekday it will be porridge and then a piece of toast. remind horsemouth to warn his mum that he will be working in the day and in a meeting in the evening. 

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