Tuesday 26 January 2021

life could be a dream

if it should rain you will need to be philosophical. or maybe you should just count and describe what the rainwater floats down the gutter... 

they're no longer young (but they're having a lot of fun). tom jobim and elis regina in 1974. it would have been  his birthday yesterday (he died december 1994)

'It is wood, it is stone
It is the end of the way
It is the rest of a bole
It is a bit in loneliness
It is a shard of glass
It is life, it is sun
It is the night, it is the death
It is the tie , it is the hook ...'

horsemouth is up and he has his coffee. he was dreaming about an ecological cult of young people. eventually they sent a youngster to seduce/ honeytrap him. 'oh well' mused horsemouth. 

'¿Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción,
y el mayor bien es pequeño.
¡Que toda la vida es sueño,

y los sueños, sueños son!'  - calderón de  la barca (curiously enough boris pasternak spent time translating him into russian).

phew another meeting of the communal endeavour done

horsemouth has to learn to let go of the anxiety. it all rolls in a direction likely to ensure that some people are at least rehoused, horsemouth looks forward to getting this done. it's the anxiety round it not being complete. 

 .... and at some point (and with a pop) it will be done. it has been a long hard road to get even this far.

of course the anxiety is just another less pleasant dream. fortunately by a certain point yesterday evening with a little help from his friends (who are busier and thus wiser) horsemouth had managed to turn it off. 

horsemouth works this afternoon. he will try to get out for a walk this morning after breakfast. 

the black death seems to have passed peak (peak notified cases, peak hospital admissions, peak death). this is good we are coming down the mountain towards an uneasy locked down truce. hopefully the vaccinations will get down before the new variants get here. hey but at least it is hiding the debacle over brexit (so not all bad then). 

the new gwenifer raymond album is out (it's great). the dudes over at american primitive seem to be liking it. 

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