Thursday 24 June 2021

Gigday! (finance and the problems of autobiography)

 'from love one can only escape at the price of life itself' 

notes a somewhat forlorn freya stark in her autobiography (the coast of incense - autobiography 1933-1939 which is largely compiled out of letters and diary entries). her visit to the hadhramaut (the south of saudi arabia) ends in disaster when she comes down with measles. this results in pneumonia (as it often used to), which results in heart trouble. she has to be airlifted out and spends the best part of a year convalescing. 

as a child horsemouth has measles (which resulted in pneumonia). this left him with dodgy lungs (hence his desire to avoid an encounter with coronavirus). he remembers looking at the coal fire (and coughing at the smoke). 

by 1935 freya is mostly recovered and visits iraq. on a page headed finance and the problems of autobiography (page headings! another luxury of meta text -  another page is labelled a writer's problem) she tells us;

'it is the most difficult thing in writing an autobiography, to determine how much of one's private feelings one must explain...' 


to get to the gig horsemouth will head off one-ish. he may head off earlier (he often gets 'itchy feet' when he has to travel). a walk a train a tube another train (from paddington station) a change at newport (remind him not to get out at abergavenny) a walk down from hereford station to the venue. in truth he would have gone up to hereford to visit his folks (and richard wildhare and stass) at some point over the summer anyway - this just brings it forward. 

there is a slightly cheaper route via worcester (but it takes an hour longer). there is probably a route via birmingham too (ditto).  

he will probably hide out at his parents for a couple of weeks until the school term is over and then return to the seaside towns. then himself and howard can get on with their recording campaign for 2021. 

there will probably be a slight break in his blogging for the next two/ three days please bear with him. 

it looks like the builders are back in next door so he would not have been able to sit out in the back garden anyway.

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