Saturday 26 June 2021

back from the gig

well he's not entirely back. horsemouth plans to hide out at this parents for a bit. 

so how did the gig go?

it went well horsemouth thinks. he didn't play particularly well (he seemed to be cursed with bumble fingers) and his between song patter was adversely affected by senile memory loss (for instance he simply could not remember the name of the reverend sabine baring-gould).

otherwise it was good. (and they paid him - thank you sproatley). he opened with satan (your kingdom must come down) and ended with a request from richard for the devil song.  he got in when the faun met alice, worldes blisse, the werewolf from the first and third albums, on broadbury down from the new album, gentleman john, legs from his other songwriter collaborations (with rusty moore and duncan tangy respectively).  he attempted to end with karen dalton's something on your mind (which the woman from the other  band haress very kindly said suited his voice, he has to thank her too for howling along (quietly) during the werewolf).

of the guitars the hummingbird copy got a lot of love, the hohner was a bit quieter but it sounded really nice on something... (he really should try changing the strings more often). 

richard wildhare  (his planted stooge in the audience) called for the devil song  and horsemouth obliged. he'd prepared a fragment of amarach  but it wasn't going so well that horsemouth was inspired to get it out. he'd been full of plans to take only 1 guitar and bring the banjolin (and get in a version of high rise strutter's ball) but in the end he bottled. 

thereafter haress played a most excellent set of folk shoegaze (with a foot operates shruti box). apparently there is some footage somewhere (if he can find it he'll give it to you). 

he thanks sproatley, the people at the venue (the babar cafe), the soundman, steve, richard, stass, gilly, moira and steve for coming and the guy called alex on their table who bought two CDs. 

the next night 

horsemouth went out to richard's showing of white riot (about the activities of rock against racism) and I am a cliche a film on the life of poly styrene (and her daughter).  these were very good. richard is showing them again tonight and horsemouth will probably take the time to discuss them tomorrow. 

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