Sunday 27 June 2021

horsemouth needs glasses

horsemouth needs glasses. he finds the text sizes on things uncongenial. 

after a little confusion he's into blogger this morning. he is typing this on his dad's spare laptop (a little lenovo thing - and very nice it is too). 

horsemouth's friend (richard wildhare) put on a series of films in hereford. 

I am a cliché is about poly styrene (and her daughter). the sex pistols, the clash, horsemouth can hear they are good but they don't really do it for him. x-ray spex (poly styrene's band), on the other hand, really do do it for him, because in addition to being exciting it is also smart. musically it is not smart (but it is very well made) but thematically in terms of the lyrics and the art work it is. 

poly suffers from mental health issues and misdiagnosis of those issues (and her daughter suffers because of it). they join the hare krishnas. the daughter is taken into care. eventually after much pain, and a comeback gig, the little boat with a candle containing poly's ashes floats off down an indian river. 

white riot is a film about rock against racism. again there is a focus on design but it also emphasises printing (those posters won't reproduce themselves). again there's great courage (it is difficult to remember how dangerous and apocalyptic  those times were). the main guy is very articulate about it, that ordinary people got to make history. 

at  the film showing horsemouth and richard met john rose of pink drone. vinyl was exchanged. 

outside it is a cool grey morning. in a bit breakfast. lots of rain is predicted for the coming week. he's been for a walk on the common. it's looking very lush. 


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