Monday 19 July 2021

everything is going to be alright (we hope) / the relationship with death has been broken

a year since the release of this beauty. basically howard. horsemouth gets to put some guitar on towards the end. a wicked beat that howard made on his phone.

yesterday about 4.4 miles. out to coronation park (past the turn off for the supermarket in the fields just south of the leyton orient stadium) a park dating from about 1900 with enough historical explanatory material to keep horsemouth happy (and a bandstand). he returned via orient way and the footbridges and marshes.  horsemouth then hid indoors throughout the 30C plus day. to tell the truth he snoozed. 

where as the day before horsemouth had done some painting yesterday it was too damn hot to attempt such a thing. 

there was a plan to go walkies with tim goldie later on (but horsemouth was feeling a bit pre-flu and overwhelmed with the heat so that fell through). 

today another scorcher. 

the reading of the m.john harrison viriconium goes well (he has completed the pastel city already, some of the short stories and started on  a storm of wings). the city is (of course) the main character, a collection of place names, street names jumbled together. mari lwyds (a horses skull on a stick taken door to door in pursuit of beer) feature heavily. 

well it is freedom day and the country seems to be accelerating up into the heavens of a fourth wave of death and misery. it is not that the relationship between infections and hospitalisation and death has been broken (as our woosterish PM likes to claim) but that it has been weakened, but if enough people get infected enough  will be hospitalised to grind the NHS's other work to a halt (leading to subsequent death later) and enough people will die to give people pause for thought and convince them of the prudence of staying in. people will have their summer holiday (sort of) and then it will be another long grind over winter (with a quality flu season as well). 

be not afeard remarks horsemouth. the majority of you are young and in good health (with decent lungs) you may catch it, you may pass it on, but you are unlikely to get seriously sick or die. if you are old, not in good health, or have crap lungs like the mule, horsemouth advises you to drive defensively and do less. 

horsemouth has two little bits of work (he will have to do some declaration to the self-employment authorities) and a redundancy scheduled - thereafter he can suit himself what he gets up to because he is without the compulsion to earn a leaving  (for a while at least). 

last night a phone call from horsemouth's mum in the wilds. the phone has been playing up leading to missed medical appointments but overall horsemouth is very pleased that his parents are so far out of it in the wilds (he finds this very reassuring). 

he watched robocop 2 (the height of satire). 

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