Sunday 18 July 2021

some ramblings found online

'away with metaphor, analogy, allegory' - john fahey in some ramblings found online. 

horsemouth is back from a babysitting mission. 

it's a beautiful morning. the people who set up the market stalls are hard at work. 

one of the songs horsemouth and howard played through was across the universe by the beatles (horsemouth can't remember why they got started on it). they got the chords up, horsemouth played and howard sang and horsemouth sang along (they were doing it round D and A7 if that helps er. it's a bit fucking high for him singing it there). 

from this comes the jai guru deva (om) - the bit that is melodic genius is the possessing and caressing me that for one time only in the song (this is why it's genius) takes place on a G minor chord (it sort of chromatically feeds back into the D). thereafter the chords are what you would expect (D, Bm, G, Em7, A7 etc.)

perhaps the place to start it is with the A7 (the om)))) (come to think about it this may be where the beatles start). 

the line  across the universe  is a feed in line, the chorus (payoff) line seems to be nothing's gonna change my world repeated over A7 and then G (in many ways horsemouth's least favourite line from the song).  the song itself makes use of a number of pedal points, see-sawing back and fore (in the A7 between a (the tonic) and g (the seventh)). 

horsemouth had the thought of turning it into a fahey style devotional piece. 

fahey played a number of these -  jai shiva shankarah most notably but the whole of fare forward voyager  is saturated with this. fahey claims  he played these in his pursuit of devotee shanthi norris rather than of higher spiritual knowledge. 

it's a beautiful morning. horsemouth should get out and about while it is reasonably cool. 

yesterday about 5 miles (up to walthamstow oxfam and back  taking the route through the river valley of the agapemonites going up and coming back by the industrial park). horsemouth visited the oxfam walthamstow. he bought  a 2 octave glockenspiel (£20) and two chalklin ms-24 soft headed drumsticks (£10)

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