Thursday 16 September 2021

so long, farewell, auf viedersehen, adieu!

so long, farewell, auf viedersehen, adieu! robert jenrick falls as housing secretary. 

that'll teach him to do favours for rich people and for the tories. he helps out a prospective tory donor who is mysteriously sat next to him at a tory party fund raiser (a little matter of avoiding a £45 million local infrastructure levy in tower hamlets - and don't get me wrong - the people of tower hamlets are dirt poor).

even jenrick had to admit it looked bent. 

and then boris sticks him in the toilet at the next reshuffle. (where's the gratitude eh?)

the tories know they've got to get lots of house building done (to house prospective tory voters in the south) and jenrick simply doesn't have the clout or the charm to get that through. 

so which greasy fecker is getting housing then?

oh shit it's that cheesy quaver michael gove. 

hopefully he will be too busy defending the union (between scotland and england - the less said of northern ireland the better and wales they never mention) and levelling up (the ridiculous idea that the tories are going to halt the long term economic decline of the north of england and its people by building more docklands in the north).  the problem is gove is actually smart and driven by ideology, he will actually want to understand the problem with housing (from a tory perspective) and fix it (gawdeplus all). 

who knows maybe he will actually fix the cladding crisis.  

last night a spot of helping out (and half a bottle of wine). tonight a spot of child-minding. this morning a meeting on writing the business plan for the communal endeavour. horsemouth is poorly prepared having become distracted by the politics of situation and in trying to work out what would be acceptable. 

on the re-appearance of the card 6 of swords

of course the 6 of swords card is really about change. setting off from one place and going to another. horsemouth is in such a place (the process of getting safely to the other side is lamentably slow, it brings some anxieties). he wants to finish off his projects here (or at least get their finishing off started) and then he needs to be on his way. 

horsemouth opines that the people aren't taking covid seriously any more because they are bored with it and they are being encouraged in this by the politicians (who want to get them back to work and get the undeserving poor arguments going again. 

horsemouth (not a sage or a member of SAGE) advises you to stay sat down and do as little as possible until we are much further down the disease-adaption timeline.

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