Friday 17 September 2021

so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu! (part II)

horsemouth is up (sten was clearly up and about earlier). there's a nip in the air (a pleasant coolness after yesterday). it's bin day (horsemouth can hear the binmen - hail the binmen). 

yesterday the weather was great. horsemouth walked down to the office for a chat and then back up (so a bit more than four miles all told). later he wandered out onto the marshes. later still he went to do some child-minding  (and as a result read various children's books).

so the first of horsemouth's retirement anxieties is dealt with (that just leaves the second and more major anxiety). and then he's got the thing he promised to write to write. and then there's the reason he was feeling blue around the gills yesterday - if he's making a change then things will have to change. the old projects will have to end and the new ones begin. 

how do you like them apples horsemouth? 

tomorrow. some music maybe (with catastro/FILLE). horsemouth does hope she will like what he's come up with for it. 

sunday rubbish weather (maybe horsemouth will be able to get on with his writing). 

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