Monday 29 November 2021

books, gigs, films, events november 2021

films/ podcasts etc. 

- island of the fish men (italo-lovecraft horror, owes more to the island of dr. moreau - sergio martino)

- dagon (spanish set lovecraftian horror)

- the case of charles dexter ward/ the whisperer in the darkness/ the shadow over innsmouth bbc podcast

- oncle yanco (agnes varda profiles jean varda and his aquatic lifestyle), alice coltrane 16mm documentary, sri chinmoy parade and gig

- the stalls of barchester and other bbc ghost stories for christmas

- shades of darkness (edith wharton, l.p.hartley ghost stories), 

- supernatural (1977 bbc horror)

- blood beast terror and kiss of the vampire (hammer horror)

- rivals of sherlock holmes (early episodes)

- UFO ( a few episodes from the first series)

-two teenage girls review 'don't fear the reaper'

- mc libel2 

- french connection 1

- a spiral of mist 

- talking politics podcast

- grenfell fire podcast

- hawkbinge podcast (25 years on)

- feast on this podcast (don campau incredible string band special)

- queen of spades (part)

- sergio martino interview

- assassino al cimitero etrusco (1982 italo horror sergio martino)

- tv adaptation of michael dibdin's cabal


- immortality (milan kundera)

- elizabeth costello (j.m. coetzee)

- the blueprint (theresia enzensberger)

- black snow and a country doctor's notebook (mikhail bulgakov)

- the craftsman (michael sennett) - first few pages

gigs none


anniversary of recording of world galaxy, journey in satchidananda day, 6 months since horsemouth's last stroke of paid work, anniversary of regular service being established on blogspot

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