Friday 4 February 2022

dum maro dum (please put a penny in the old man's hat)

asha bhosle sings the praises of marijuana (and hare krishna). seldom has it all sounded so good to horsemouth (or looked so good with zeenat aman and her 'western' dancing). strangely now that horsemouth has stopped work and society has grown more permissive he feels no desire to smoke weed (mind you his lungs are still fucked so that's probably a good thing). 

horsemouth thinks he knows where ginsberg's indian journals is. he took it round a friend's house to give it away about a year ago, but it was rejected (his friend was also in a giving books away mode) so it should still be in the bag with the swag from his friend's book collection. ah there it is. 

to tell the truth horsemouth only bought the ginsberg/snyder letters (£2) to alibi his purchase of day of the triffids (£1).  

this year it will be 60 years since ginsberg's visit (february to may). ginsberg and orlovsky live cheap (the better to stay out longer), write poetry, make drawings and take photographs. gary snyder and joanne are there already (eventually they meet up). 

it is bandcamp friday once again.  horsemouth would encourage you to purchase musicians of bremen  merchandise but he suspects anyone reading this has it all already (please put a penny in the old man's hat).

horsemouth has changed the strings on the hummingbird copy for girders. his fingertips may be  suffering but the guitar sounds like a giant clanking beast (so horsemouth is pleased). he has played through high rise strutter's ball on the banjolin successfully. he is trying to assemble a setlist and to think about the patter he needs for it (and the names he should write down in case he has a 'forgetful' moment). 

seeing as the gig has been advertised as american primitive influenced horsemouth in planning to play more instrumental guitar than usual also by playing more slide horsemouth evades the arthritis in the first joint of his little finger (it will take him some time to learn to play relying on just the 3 other fingers of that hand). horsemouth is fiddling around in dgdggd tuning seeing if he can find a way to play pagodas this is easy to get to from dgdgbd (open G). 

last night he watched tales from the lodge an attempt to do a portmanteau comedy horror (it won't be winning any approval points horsemouth suspects). 

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