Thursday 3 February 2022

horsemouth vanished into the stacks

somewhere horsemouth has a copy of ginsberg's indian journal (it was one of brynley's books he thinks). it would be a good time to read it (in the selected letters snyder and his wife are attempting to meet up with ginsberg and orlovsky in india).  to horsemouth's recollection it had a grey paperback cover and was bigger than  an A size book (possibly a B). there were photos in it and an account of ginsberg hanging out in the bone fields with the sadhus while bodies were ritually cremated. but it has vanished into the stacks.

his fear (of course) is that he has got rid of it to a charity shop in an effort to lighten the load before he moved up here 5 years ago. 

that's annoying. horsemouth will be bothered by that until he finds it. 

horsemouth is getting anxious about the gig (as he always does) but as soon as he starts playing he will relax. 

he is not sure what to rehearse. the new strings are a lot heavier than the old ones (fucking girders), they are clankier and require more effort to push around. in theory he will just be using the hummingbird for the slide stuff so it shouldn't matter too much (in fact it sounds like a great roaring beast). the standard tuning sing-along stuff horsemouth will be playing on howard's guitar probably (but for the moment he tends to practice the standard tuning stuff on the hummingbird - he doesn't of course have to, he has guitars for days). 

plus he has a sore throat (he will test the morning of the gig) and the remnants of his winter cough. yesterday was groundhog day (punxsatawney phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter). and on this groundhog day (jour de marmotte) it is the twelfth anniversary of the marmot review.

the topic of the marmot review?- levelling up...  (stop me if you've heard this one before)

horsemouth listened to volume four again. because they launched it into the middle of the pandemic horsemouth and howard never sat down and worked out how they were going to play any of these songs live.  (so basically they will not be sounding like volume four at the gig). howard will be playing a solo set of his new compositions. horsemouth will mostly be sounding like volume three  cut with a few newer and older tunes as he did up at cafe babar at midsummer. reference has been made in the advertising to american primitive guitar so horsemouth will work up a few of the instrumentals just in case. 

he will also have to come up with some stage burble. last time he was forgetting key names and having lots of senior moments. 

horsemouth watched some of parasite on the tv. shitpoor korean family inveigle their way into the service of a rich family by systematically playing on their weaknesses and ruthlessly elbowing other proles out of the way.  horsemouth is not sure what it means that he can watch the korean equivalent of shameless. it will take some thought and he didn't watch it to the end. 

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