Tuesday 8 February 2022

hurry up time vs. the masque of the red death

in a bit horsemouth goes to a meeting (and then he comes back). he will write more (because he doubts he has enough time to write what he wants to now). 

he's growing reflective about the gig. he does hope he wasn't too much of an arse once he'd finished playing. as someone pointed out he played pretty much a different set from the one he'd had planned.

and now he has to wait to see if he caught covid. 

howard is pretty much over plague paranoia into a 'you can't stop life' frame of mind  - horsemouth is still in favour of the hide out and wait strategy (as in the masque of the red death and the decameron). ultimately it doesn't help the masquers. death still gets them. 

horsemouth (indeed musicians of bremen) should go out and play more gigs but horsemouth is still trying to keep travel and sweaty rooms to a minimum. they may release some of the gig as a free/ pay what you want download rather than as a limited edition CD, all their CDs are limited edition (so far). he'll go up to howard's and give it a listen next weekend. 

horsemouth has inveigled a friend into the cult of huw lloyd-langton, sample dialogue 'just reached 5th second of forever, class.' levitation and motorway city get the thumbs up. horsemouth has never understood how huw plays that acoustic guitar part on levitation (he's asking around because genuinely he has no idea how it is possible to play that - blitz away in 16ths with the right hand, hammer on and pluck with the left .he guesses - or is it just a studio cheat?)

5th second of forever features a nylon string guitar in a semi-classical moment but the bends on it seem non-classical to horsemouth. it's really quite posh it could easily be from the film as the track description claims. 

ok meeting done. horsemouth prepares for an afternoon of news listening. 

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