Monday 7 February 2022

on being angry with a dead man (and other exercises in futility)

at the gig a dude wanted to talk about sparklehorse (mark linkous). but sadly horsemouth doesn't know much about him beyond a thumbnail sketch of his life (and painbirds). so he's having a listen now.

'I was lucky enough to have been told how much my music meant to people' he once said. but it wasn't enough to save him. a photo has emerged of the gig. horsemouth is playing. howard is waiting to harmonise. martin and jacken look on.  

horsemouth has continued to follow the career (in the sense of running amuck) of the greased piglet. if horsemouth has understood this correctly he can be removed just by vote of tory MPs (and 15% of tory MPs sending in a letter calling for a vote of no confidence is enough to get the process started). but his successor has to be elected by the party as a whole think that whole bozo/ jeremy hunt thing). this takes time and cuts two months at least out of the time the tories have to prepare for the next election which must be on or before thursday 2 may 2024.

plus the next few years are looking distinctly shit and the voters are likely to feel bad. hmmm.

next up for the hawkbinge neophyte review treatment is 1980s levitation simultaneously the meatiest and probably best played hawkwind album since the lemmy/ simon house years. for a 10th album band they sound hungry and the reason is returned guitarist huw lloyd-langton. listening ginger baker gives good drum timbre but it's huw's show - normally horsemouth thinks good taste is a bad thing but every note huw plays is on the money and in the right place (he can even make a plodding turd like who's gonna win the war sparkle - it's in that wishbone ash harmony guitar middle eight). 

it was huw's birthday yesterday (by some strange synchronicity).  horsemouth worries that the young dude on hawkbinge is just going to lose the will to live as he realises just how many albums there are in teh 80ies, 90ies, naughties, 2010s, 2020ies (and how low hawkwind set the bar on quality control). 

and meanwhile (in horsemouth's reading) ginsberg is in india. when horsemouth has read this he can return to the chronology of gary snyder's letters. 

it's a mildish morning. horsemouth has to go do some shopping. tuesday morning he has a phone meeting with the bank. 

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