Saturday 26 March 2022

a musical evening

so horsemouth is back home. he is  (slightly) hung over. it looks like he doesn't have to work until 11. (which is good because he can get in another round of paracetamol, some coffee and a little lying down). water as well.

the evening went well. it was great to see denise after a two year gap caused by the coronavirus. there was much music - denise has a good version of something's on your mind worked up. there were various attempts to sing things in french. claudia had a good version of patti smith's people have the power worked up. dave played one of the gnossienne

maybe something will surface from it. (who knows he may even be in tune). 

horsemouth was a bit loud. but he wisely started slowing it down at some point. and made it home in good time. now he has a bit of lucky break before he has to be on the ball again. 

two years ago horsemouth was just being introduced to all this zoom/ teams thing. he'd  just had his first ever remote access video conferencing work meeting.

'      Oh, wonder!

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

That has such people in ’t!'


horsemouth was wrong about the 11am thing. within minutes of typing this he was having to peg it out of the door and off down the street. down at hackney road there was a bikers' rally (of some sort) and then back across the seaside towns in the beautiful sunshine. he thinks he remembered everything.  

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