Friday 25 March 2022

horsemouth goes to meet a friend (a photo of his younger self)

it's another beautiful morning. horsemouth is up. he has some coffee. his window is open about 1 inch at the top. (that said he was glad of his sleeping bag and duvet in the night). he types this sitting up in bed (cross-legged) with his duvet over his knees. 

horsemouth has had good news. his escape plan has moved another step closer. 

he's not sure what to say this morning. the political discussions seem to have blown themselves out (while the carnage continues). here's james meek from 6 days in (probably worth a re-listen now that we have reached 1 month of the war). horsemouth's friends mostly seem to be sanguine about the bandera t-shirts but horsemouth thinks it is fair enough not to want to hang around with nazis or give them publicity. he wonders how easy it will be to dislodge these ideas after the war. 

it has been objected that horsemouth is being reductive in thinking that people are fighting the war for their bosses but horsemouth would argue that whatever they are fighting it for in the end it will be the bosses who benefit. it seems obvious to us that toppling dictators like saddam, ghadafi, assad is the right thing to do and automatically going to lead people into an era of peace and freedom (but sadly that was not the case). 

later today he goes for dinner round a friend's house to meet denise (who's over from ireland for the weekend). 

horsemouth will return to aesthetic matters. last night he finished off watching night of the devils (1972) a wurdulac story (a kind of slavic vampire last seen in mario bava's black sabbath). the wurdulac feels lonely so it must infect and  must destroy his or her entire family.  horsemouth followed it up by making a start on  satan's wife (also 1972) which features a black mass re-imagined as a 70ies dance routine (groovy). he also watched the prisoner.

earlier in the day he went out for a wander round the marshes followed by a meet up with TG (at the bench) and then another wander round. thereafter he retired indoors and ran his feet under the cold tap. 

horsemouth has republished (well put up on facebook) a photo of his younger self taken by denise on a park bench (actually clissold park by the crescent). he is wearing his anarcho- punk squatter finery (and still has all his own hair).  he thinks early to mid 90ies - he's in the band, he's living up that end of town. 

it has been objected that he looks more like hugh grant than an anarcho-punk squatter. horsemouth doubts this. (but he is quite flattered and so is pretending to be insulted). it has also been objected that he looks too young (another flatterer). 

on the book front he's managed decent starts on richard yates the easter parade and robert shearman's tiny deaths. no sign of the return of hawkbinge podcast, who are about to set sale on the sea of frankly underwhelming 80ies albums. these years are all about the live albums (and huw-lloyd langton's retrofitted guitar) the studio albums are very much of their time. 

so what is horsemouth's day's activity prognosis. post this, news, quick look at the grauniad, nlr, lrb and then go for a walk. he will try to go out in shorts (so as to start tanning his legs rather than just his face). 

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