Wednesday 13 April 2022

'let us not anticipate the past (let all our retrospections be to the future)'

'when I orbited the earth in a spaceship, I saw for the first time how beautiful our planet is. mankind, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!'

yesterday was the anniversary of yuri gagarin's journey to space (putin was trying to make publicity on it).

here a french film about the destruction of the gagarine estate (named in gagarin's honour when he visited france after his flight). it makes it into that kind of afro-futurist wish fulfilment (a lament for the future that never came/ a calling it into being). horsemouth loves the track at the start of the video but it doesn't seem to be on the OST. 

'let us not anticipate the past (let all our retrospections be to the future)' - mrs. malaprop (amended)

horsemouth's accessions diary/ one for the new book box 

charity shop with the pretty goth girl (leytonstone).  one squid fifty. (plus a 15p donation to the homeless dude with a bleeding head, the guy was asking for 20, but 15 was all horsemouth had on him honestly).

the unknown lewis carroll: 8 major works and many minor, in humour, children's material, mathematical recreations (dover thrift editions)

s. dodgson collingwood, carroll's nephew and authorized biographer, gathered together in this volume carroll's privately printed humour, juvenalia  and recreation, together with explanatory introductions. (and very good it is too).

after the wonders of the val lewton/ jacques tourneur years (cat people, leopard man, I walked with a zombie), there are the val lewton solo years (in particular the work he did at RKO with boris karloff - isle of the dead, the body snatcher, and bedlam). there's also the curse of the cat people (which looks great) and the seventh victim (satanists of manhattan) horsemouth watched ghost ship (the captain is fixated upon authority and is going mental).

today the day when horsemouth has to pack up and remove from the cloud forest. he will tidy up to hide the evidence of his stay. he has fed the cats their breakfast. he will go make an inspection of the allotment. he has acquired a small book box, a couple of books, he now faces the task of fitting it all into his little rucksack. 

he thinks he will walk home (for the fresh air and the exercise). 

meanwhile at home one of his housemates has tested positive for covid. horsemouth thinks only the kitchen and the bathroom and various bits of corridors are zones of contention and contamination. he has to work out the timetable for his weekend - perhaps there is stuff to be done friday (perhaps not), there's a gig saturday, at some point there's his brother's youngest's birthday celebration. and then there's the bank holiday (and maybe a children's party).

all this has to be timetabled and in a covid safe way(now that we will be living more intimately with the virus). stuff has to be cleared with people. 

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