Thursday 14 April 2022

the only sensible response to most stuff

horsemouth always wondered where siouxsie and the banshees got it from.

horsemouth thinks it was  probably from curse of the cat people (val lewton et al.) 

nice the way the carols in the scene work against each other. 

il est né, le divin enfant is a traditional french christmas carol, which was published for the first time in 1862  by r. grosjean, organist of the cathedral of saint-dié-des-vosges, in a collection of carols entitled airs des noëls lorrains.  the text of the carol was published for the first time in a collection of ancient carols, published in either 1875 or 1876 by dom g. legeay.

shepherds, shake off your drowsy sleep is usually sung to the tune BESANÇON, a carol from the eastern part of france, appeared in the recueil de noëls anciens au patois de besançon, which was published in 1842. the melody is probably from the seventeenth century. it's french words are berger, secoue ton sommeil profond. 

curse of the cat people is an actual sequel (but the cat people do not return). it kind of reminds horsemouth of the river scene in night of the hunter. 

here is an exchange between horsemouth and a friend about the current political situation.

- they’re all fuckers. I’m finding increasingly that this is the only sensible response to most stuff.

- fucking fuckers😁

- fuck all the fucking fuckers 😊

- fuck'em

imagine horsemouth's face reflected in his frontplate of his washburn oscar schmidt OR6CE acoustic electric resonator guitar. the reviews of this guitar are comedy gold ('marginally better than a plastic toy') but everything horsemouth has ever recorded with it has come out really well.

the guitars he has out for day-to-day practice are the hohner and the laramie.  

the current album horsemouth is recording with howard's guitars (an almost identical hohner, a remarkably similar hohner 12 string, a yamaha electro-acoustic, a valencia nylon strung guitar and the telecaster copy horsemouth has loaned him. 

horsemouth has had the resonator for more than 7 years now...  wow.  doesn't time fly.

horsemouth has relocated back to the gaff (just in time for it to become a plague pit). he didn't walk over like he planned (his little rucksack was just a bit too heavy). this morning (and he is up early because he has been trained to rise early by hungry cats) is a beautiful morning. the book box with the children design on it (amalin) is installed in the stacks. it has displaced the b&w repeat photos of kate bush dancing (in an eadweard muybridge style) to a lower shelf. 

it looks like the friday recording session is on. horsemouth will spend much of today practicing and playing guitar ready for friday. he'll have a hunt through his song books. saturday there's a gig howard and himself are going to (he'll tell you about that one later). monday (covid permitting) he may be off to his niece's 18th celebration (we'll see). 

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